Internazionale – Amazonian cities

Amazonian cities


Laser mapping reveals oldest Amazonian cities, built 2500 years ago. Neighborhoods, farms, and roads are 1000 years older than previous discoveries.

“Lidar, which allows researchers to see through forest cover and reconstruct the ancient sites below, “is revolutionizing our understanding of the Amazon in pre-Columbian times,” says Carla Jaimes Betancourt, an archaeologist at the University of Bonn who wasn’t involved in the new work. Finding such an ancient urban network in the Upano Valley highlights the long-unrecognized diversity of ancient Amazonian cultures, which archaeologists are just beginning to be able to reconstruct.”

by Lizzie Wade

As published in Internazionale

Le Monde – BOOKS

le monde

The book i love
to offer

This is the special end-of-year issue of Le Monde des Livres. 

«Which book do you like to give the most? » Sixteen writers, intellectuals and artists reveal the work they like to share the most.

The issue is fully illustrated.

Here is the article.

Walking through the fog


through the fog

I created this image in a moment of confusion.

I thought that no one ever thinks about how many times an artist or a researcher runs into difficulty, in everyday life to preserve his/her intellectual freedom.

Whoever looks, observes the result of constant work of balance, tenacity and focusing.

And for balance, it is necessary to put one step after another. And this is the process, what allows growth.

Best wishes to everyone a happy holiday with a lots of rest.



Walking through the fog – digital collage 2023, unpublished

Ex-Libris – A private collection


a private collection

Emanuela commissioned me to do a job that, in my imagination, is commissioned from great artists: an ex-libris.

Michele, her partner, works in the cinema and has great passions.

I felt invested with a great responsibility. I put the idea of the “visionary” of the “gaze” at the center of this work. I fully tuned in with Michele because we share the need to watch.
These are the sketches, the three images I made and the final stamp.

Internazionale – The town of libraries

The town of libraries


The protagonist talks about the wonderful atmosphere of the Svitávka library.

The article gives a sense of fullness and envelopment that the library and its books give to readers.

The first image represents the library as a sort of  internal place and a state of mind. The second one is the love that young readers have for books, love that the author found in her meetings.

By Markéta Pilátová

As published in Internazionale.

Philo Forum

Forum Philo - Le Monde / Le Mans


                                        BEHIND THE SCENE

Emmanuel La Parra and the team of the Association Forum Philo Le Monde, called me to work for the Philo Forum 2023 which took place in Le Mans on 24-25-26 November 2023. 

The theme of the Festival was:

The actuality of nostalgia.



I focused, first of all, on the concept of nostalgia.

How to communicate this ephemeral feeling?

I first thought of clouds and water because nostalgia is something that envelops and permeates us when we are struck by it.

But it didn’t end here.

The subtitle of the 2023 edition of the Philo Forum is: Would tomorrow be better?

The image, therefore, for me, developed with a great symmetry: one part would call the other.

Yesterday would call tomorrow.

Therefore, I developed the sketch with a great symmetry: one part would recalled the other.

Yesterday would called tomorrow.

The act of immersion had to be increasingly simple, making sure that the protagonist had a finger immersed in water and looked at a “new” sun: tomorrow. The protagonist need to be as minimally characterized as possible.

Obviously, I gave voice to the color: I let it speak as usual.

Hystrio – Theater and nature

Theater and nature



Nature staged through the centuries and new representations. Between folklore and narrative innovation.

Cover and Dossier illustrations as pubblished by Hystrio magazine

Internazionale – Heima



I was very emotional reading the words of the Icelandic writer Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir.
In his article for Internazionale he described a sensation that I often feel when recently I witness an exceptional show or visit a new place or meet a person who fascinates me. The awareness of not being able to repeat that experience and the certainty of not being able to experience it like the first time.

“But above all, if the language in which I write disappears, the only language I know that uses the same word (heima and heimur) to indicate home and world disappears.”

by Auður Ava Ólafsdóttir

as published in Internazionale

Internazionale – Fantasy Farming

Fantasy Farming


Bucolic fairytales are a threat to life on Earth.

“Real solutions to our global food crises are neither beautiful nor comforting. […]

The answer is not more fields, which means destroying even more wild ecosystems. It is partly better, more compact, cruelty-free and pollution-free factories. Among the best options, horror of horrors, is a shift from farming multicellular organisms (plants and animals) to farming unicellular creatures (microbes), which allows us to do far more with far less.” 

By George Monbiot

As published in Internazionale.