Internazionale – A Philosophy of Sound




“Humans are not only made of words.”
Christina Rawls

Music changes my life everyday.
It helped me get through difficulties and helps me get to the truest part of me.

I worked for Internazionale to create two illustrations on this interesting article by professor Christina Rawls.
She writes on topics and cites authors that I have been interested in for many years.

Feeling free to interpretate Raws’ words, I wanted to pay homage to the great pianist Bill Evans.

Evans’ music accompanied my solitary walks and was the perfect comment and perfectly matched with my melancholy.

A small detail also here

WWW – Calendario Digitale

calendario digitale


Suppose all the information stored on computers everywhere were linked. Suppose I could program my computer to create a space in which everything could be linked to everything.

– Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web

image created for the IG page of the Digital Calendar Community

TIME – Mourning

TIME magazine


Working through grief after losing my father.

By Nicole Chung

When Katie Kalupson wrote me to commission a work, I was delighted. And I thought Time magazine is one of the places I want to be with my illustrations.
Nicole Chung has written a wonderful piece on going through grief, critiquing this society that leaves us little time, even to deal with our feelings.

The art direction chose the most immediate idea I proposed: the weeping willow.
The face of the protagonist is hidden by the tree and the whole landscape around her is transmuted. When we experience mourning, everything around us takes on the contours of it, it is full of it. 

And Blue and the shades of blue become the palette of this illustrated pain.

Internazionale – Elephant seals

Elephant seals


Elephant seals survive on only two hours of sleep. Why can’t we?

“When it comes to ocean diving, no seal can compete with the elephant seal. While on the hunt for their deep-dwelling squid and fish prey, these blubbery behemoths hold their breath for up to two hours and can plunge a mile beneath the surface; they skirt hungry orcas and withstand pressures that would flatten a junkyard car.” 

By Katherine J. Wu

As published in Internazionale.

Magnum Chaos

This work is based on an image that I had already redefined in certain details but was not entirely satisfied with. 

I am deeply drawn to the subject of primordial Chaos, and I was captivated when I discovered this image, which is located in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo, Lombardy, northern Italy.

What compelled me to rework it was that the original image felt extremely rigid. I sought to lighten it by subtracting certain elements.

Creation myths have always fascinated me, and this “being” was conceived by Lorenzo Lotto and inlaid by the craftsman Giovanni Francesco Capoferri.

For prints on demand, write to

VéloVélo Foulard


When Marie de Cossette selected me to design one of these scarves, I felt like I was the right person at the right time. I am a cyclist. Cycling is a lifestyle for me.

I use it as a means of transport, but the bicycle has always been my time machine. When I pedal, I am immediately in another world: my interior. Furthermore, the bike allows you to look at the world from another point of view, it is a clean means of locomotion and makes you stay in contact with your body, always.



Keeping all this in mind, I imagined a character who carried within himself the “sense” of moving by bike and that sense of freedom that this vehicle allows you to feel. And it is a freedom based on your feelings and on your strength and will. 

Traveling by bicycle, as I said before, allows the cyclist to look at the world from another perspective. From here, then, through the use of my digital collage I placed a pair of bicycle-shaped glasses on the main protagonist’s nose. I think the best ideas are the simplest.


Silk Foulards conceived and produced for Le Bon Marché.

Project by Marie de Cossette, Photo by A. De Cossette

Panorama – Dossier Psy


Dossier Psy

Five illustrations on the topic of reconstruction of self-identity.

The illustrations are inspired by the words of people
who made it.

Introduction to the topic. 

Heal my own wounds with your own words.
I’ve learned to regain myself, my heart and my body.
What I really care about.

Le Monde – L’été en Séries

LE monde

L'éTé en séries

Why and how did the Western Roman Empire disappear?

This question continues to haunt thinkers and historians.

In AD 9, more than four centuries before the deposition of the last Western Emperor, a first rift occurs with the defeat of the legions against German tribes.

Six illustrations as published in Le Monde, L’été en Séries.

Runner-up in CQ66

When Rome met the irreducible Germans. The Battle of the Teutoburg Forest.
The Edict of Milan.

The Battle of Hadrianopolis.

The Roman Empire is confronted with the Great Depression.

Romulus Augustus resigns the crown to Odoacer.

The end of the Roman Empire, a non-event.

Furthermore, these images appear in the selection that the artistic direction of Le Monde has made for this article which talks about how to understand press illustration.

80 PICTURES to understand press illustration

Tous et chacun – A Manifesto

Tous et Chacun

La Déclaration

On April 30th, just before International Workers’ Day on May 1st, the collective Contributive will officially launch The Declaration of Contributors’ Rights. This document also serves as a kind of manifesto, and I approached it with this perspective.

Tous et Chacun –  Each and everyone

This is the slogan developed by Carole Lipsyc in her introductory text for the Declaration.
I envision this image as an archetypal symbol, representing the essence of Contributive Action and sparking the imagination.
Below are some variations of this theme.
The image was printed in 100 copies, providing a tangible object of value for the participants.
Typography and printing by Ari Fleiszbein.

The goal is to transition from a society based on competition to an inclusive society of mutual aid and cooperation.