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a book project


These images were created for an exhibition held in Milan at the Galleria Il Vicolo. It was widely visited and deeply moved those who attended.
Here are some references to the exhibition.

My intent in creating these images was to give visitors that sense of silence and immersion one experiences when walking in nature, wrapped in—one is certain of it—that mystery that does not immediately unravel. One is being watched, yet unaware of by what or by whom.


The Forest is, of course, the stage for a thousand adventures, for countless tales, both folkloric and modern. It is also a metaphor for our unconscious, where our deepest inner images reside.

These images shape us, and it is with them that we engage in dialogue—or choose to flee—when what we see, or those we encounter, do not seem particularly friendly.

My project tells something about this.


Everyone, on their journey toward themselves, inevitably gets lost at some point, whether they want to or not.
The “straight path” fades into the “Dark Forest” of Dantean memory.

What we thought we knew about ourselves is no longer clear, or at least, it no longer fits. And that is where the adventure begins.

The Forest, in this story I wish to tell, is the place where these encounters take shape.
Each encounter corresponds to a character, and each character carries a message.

Below, you can see a selection of ink drawings, entirely created with black ink on Canson Moulin du Roy 300 g paper.

This project is looking for a publisher or another opportunity to come to life and find its audience.

For inquiries about the book project or for any proposals related to it, feel free to reach out at